Thursday, 27 February 2014

Would you like to support one of our projects in China?

If you're interested in supporting one of our projects, there are several ways to do do this. If you have a British Bank Account, take a look here. If you can read Norwegian, the easiest way to support our project, is probably to click your way from here. If you have Hong Kong bank account, you can either send us a cheque made out to “Norwegian Missionary Society”. Please specify on the back of the cheque which project or general purpose you'd like to support (If you do not write anything on the cheque, the funds will still go to our work generally). Alternatively, you can transfer funds to the HSBC account of the Norwegian Missionary Society. The account number, is 031-006695-001.
If you live in another country, please make a transfer to NMS in Norway.
The bank details for NMS in Norway: IBAN: NO73 8220 02 85030 BIC/SWIFT:PLUSNO22 Bank: Sparebanken SørIBAN: NO73 8220 02 85030BIC/SWIFT:PLUSNO22Bank: Sparebanken SørIBAN: NO73 8220 02 85030BIC/SWIFT:PLUSNO22Bank: Sparebanken SørWhen you make the transfer, please specify that the donation is made to Project No. 641 000
Tel: +47 51 51 61 00 E-mail: to info(a) Postal Address:The Norwegian Mission Society P.O. Box 226 Sentrum,4001 StavangerThe Kingdom of Norway

Thank you for your support!

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